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Individual Strategic Report

Assessment 2B: Individual Strategic Report (Part 2B – 45%)
2B is submitted by each individual that collates your personal individual insights, providing clearly thought out recommendations that are based on the client brief (as well as additional information that they have provided throughout the semester), primary and secondary research conducted by you and/or your group, as well as the application of your knowledge emerging from marketing theory and practice.
2Bi. Executive Summary
Description: Summarises the whole report (2Bi to 2Bvi) – it is not simply an introduction.
2Bii. Issues resulting from the Situation Analysis
Acts as an introduction to this assessment. It offers a clear description of the main issues that come out of the situation analysis from Task 2A or upon further reflection.
2Biii. Marketing Objectives
Clearly state up to three objectives for the company using S.M.A.R.T goal setting criteria. Explain how these goals link to the identified issues and how these are SMART.
2Biv.Target Market(s) and Positioning
State and justify which segment(s) you intend to target and how will you position the product/service for the target market(s). You may like to elaborate on the target market relative to what the client brief entailed. You should consider justifying these with primary and secondary research and theory where appropriate.
2Bv. Key Strategies and Recommendations
Develop key strategy options to achieve your proposed marketing objectives. You should consider justifying these with research and theory where appropriate.
2Bvi. Exemplars of your plan
Clearly outline how you will execute your key strategic recommendations. Feel free to refer the reader to appendices where applicable, but do summarise what you are hoping to achieve with each example. You should consider justifying these with primary and secondary research and theory where appropriate.
2Bvii. Writing Style, Referencing and Paraphrasing
Writing style, referencing, spelling and written communication. This includes having chosen i) a suitable structure and headings ii) correctly formatted (12pt font, 1.5 spacing, 2.5cm margins); iii) used appropriate in text citations and reference list (Harvard UTS Referencing Style); iv) written clearly and easily read report and v) correctly written in a way that is free of mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation

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