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In week three, you identified your dream job and created a mission, vision and v

In week three, you identified your dream job and created a mission, vision and values statements for this organization. This week you’ll be taking it further by identifying stakeholders and determining what input you’d need from them to successfully develop your strategic plan. You are facilitating the strategic planning process for your dream job, and it is time to determine who will be involved.
Identifying stakeholders may sound like an easy task, but there is a qualitative science and framework that goes into doing it successfully. After reviewing the given resources, create a document responding to the prompts. This submission does not have to be in APA format. This exercise requires some creativity as you’ll be answering for your fictitious company. You’re encouraged to seek additional resources to help spur ideas.
Restate your mission, vision and values.
Identify at least two primary stakeholder groups (i.e. patients, employees, etc.).
For each group, provide a rationale describing why you categorized them as primary stakeholders.
For each group, identify if they’re a positive, negative, or neutral stakeholder.
For each group, are they internal or external stakeholders?
Identify at least two secondary stakeholder groups.
For each group, provide a rationale describing why you categorized them as secondary stakeholders.
For each group, identify if they’re a positive, negative, or neutral stakeholder.
For each group, are they internal or external stakeholders?
Identify at least two key stakeholders.
For each group, provide a rationale describing why you categorized them as key stakeholders.
For each group, identify if they’re a positive, negative, or neutral stakeholder.
For each group, are they internal or external stakeholders?
After you’ve identified each stakeholder group, create a stakeholder map as described in the Community Toolbox. The following categories should be represented:
High influence, low interest (latents)
High influence, high interest (promoters)
Low influence, low interest (apathetics)
Low influence, high interest (defenders)
Create a summary of your stakeholder findings including the following elements:
What was your overall sentiment about identifying and mapping stakeholders? Was it frustrating? Was it easy? Did it make sense? Why?
Why is the stakeholder identification process important for qualitative analysis and strategic planning?
Why is the stakeholder process important in service learning and social justice?
University of Kansas, Workgroup for Community Health and Development
The Community Toolbox, Section 8. Identifying and Analyzing Stakeholders and their Interests
Mindtool Videos
Stakeholder Analysis Video: Stakeholder Management and Power Interest Grid
Introduction to Stakeholder Maps

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