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Identify the ethical dilemma or ethically questionable situation from the follow

Identify the ethical dilemma or ethically questionable situation from the following YouTube video, Scenario 3: Early Launch (Al-Saggaf, 2016)
Conduct further research about the ethical issues you identified in the video to assist you in analyzing and discussing the issues. Your assignment must include:
Identify the facts
Discuss the resulting issues: Ethical and Non-Ethical
Analyze the Counter-Measures/Recommendations
Discuss how the decision made would impact the organization’s corporate culture
Using the Unit 4 – Assignment Template
Download Unit 4 – Assignment Template
[Microsoft Word] submit a Word Document meeting the following requirements:
A two (2) to three (3) page assignment (not including the title and reference page)
APA Requirements
1″ inch margins
Times New Roman 12 pt font
Title Page
Reference Page
Include at least two (2) scholarly sources to substantiate your ideas.

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