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General Guidance Your assignment should be MS Word processed (handwritten assign

General Guidance
Your assignment should be MS Word processed (handwritten assignments are not accepted), using
Times New Roman size 12 font, double spaced, with numbered pages and your student number
printed as a footer on every page. Note this is a report supported by academic research so you should
adhere to the appropriate referencing guidance. The word limit stated for this assignment excludes the
list of references at the end of the assignment but includes all text in the main body of the assignment
(Including direct quotations, in-text citations, footnotes, tables, diagrams and graphs). Please be aware
that exceeding the word limit will affect the academic judgement of the piece of work and may result
in the award of a lower mark. Appendices are not considered a supplement and will not be assessed as
part of the content of the assignment. As such, they
will not
contribute to the grade
it may be appropriate to use an Appendices section for any material which is a useful reference for
reader. Please note that appendices are not included in the word count. The majority of references
should come from secondary sources (e.g. journal articles, conference papers, reports, etc.) although
you can also utilise area specific textbooks. You must ensure that you use the Harvard style of
referencing. Please indicate the
count length
at the end of your assignment
Learning outcomes applied in this assessment
LO.1 explain the
theory and practice of businesses (COI, CID, SID)
LO.2 describe a range of current problems and changes that
organizations face in being successful (COI, CID, IC, SID).
Thinking skills
LO.3 critically evaluate research and theory to support
decision-making and explain progress (COI, CID, SID).
LO.4 analyse complex issues, make reasoned judgments with
incomplete data, and communicate conclusions clearly to specialist and
non-specialist audiences (COI).
Subject-based practical skills
LO.5 students will discuss good practice for organization
success (COI, CID, SID).
LO.6 undertake a critical audit of skills and capabilities
for a professional career and identify areas required for improvement (COI,
Skills for life and work (general skills)
LO.7 developing and communicating critical evaluations of organization
progress (CID, EID, SID).
Assessment guidelines
Produce a 3000-word report (+/- 10%) (excluding the list of
references) which offers students the ability to demonstrate their developing
knowledge and application of the teaching and learning material covered. It
also encourages students to develop their thoughts and perspectives on
contemporary business issues, and be intellectually creative (underpinned by
credible resources).
You are required to
prepare an essay that covers what you have learnt from your research and
analysis while investigating the selected company for the summative 1/
Simulation Evaluation Report.
In your essay you
should cover:
o Executive summary of the reflective essay (An executive
summary should summarize the key points of the essay. It should restate the
purpose of the essay, highlight the major points of the essay, and describe any
results, conclusions, or recommendations from the essay/ reflections for future
business key actions).
o Introduction (The scope of the reflective essay)
o Identified events (Reflect your learning while identifying
the analysing the events from the selected company in summative 1. Reflect REAL
life example from practice as identified in business case/ assignment 1)
o Review and Discussion of relevant theories and practices
(Critically Review and Discuss the relevant theories and practices found in the
selected company in summative 1)
o Conclusion, Future
Plans, and recommendations (Conclude with the key points of your reflection.
State future actions are derived from practice and research)
o Reference list
Assessment Criteria
Your assignment will be marked according to the following
Understanding and Reading: The depth of your
reading (number, range and quality of sources) and understanding of it. You are
expected to read the essential and further readings related to this assessment
point. You need to use these readings to support your argument/discussion; you
can rely on personal opinion.
2) Critical Analysis: The level of critical
analysis in your writing and the quality of the argument developed. You cannot
rely on simple description, but have to apply knowledge and theory from the
readings to critically engage with the material.
3) Structure: Your ability to develop a clear,
logical structure for your essay which addresses the question and guides the
reader. Your essay and outline should include a clear introduction, a cogently
argued main body, and a conclusion that summarises the argument and answers the
overall question.
Presentation and Referencing: Your ability to express yourself clearly in
English using appropriate terminology, correct spelling and grammar. The extent
to which your essay is correctly referenced using the Harvard system of
referencing in-text and with a reference list.
Section/aspect Content to cover Marks available Executive summary (200
An executive summary should summarize
the key points of the essay. It should restate the purpose of the essay,
highlight the major points of the essay, and describe any results, conclusions,
or recommendations from the essay.
Introduction (300 words)
General background on the topic you are going to discuss. Possible
definitions for terms relating to the question. What the essay will include
and/or leave out (scope). What themes the essay will discuss and the order they
are presented. What the essay will argue / demonstrate.
Identified events (700 words)
Reflect your learning while
identifying the analysing the events from the selected company in summative 1.
Reflect REAL life example from practice as identified in business case/
assignment 1
Review and Discussion of relevant theories and practices (1000 words)
Critically Review and Discuss the relevant theories and practices found
in the selected company in summative 1
Conclusion, Future Plans, and recommendations (800 words)
Conclude with the key points of your reflection. State future actions are
derived from practice and research
Formatting, Structure and Referencing (list of references not
included in word count)
High quality presentation of the
material that conforms to principles of academic writing and contains minimal
errors in sentence construction, grammar and punctuation. A logical structure
was followed. The assignment followed appropriate academic conventions
regarding in-text citations and referencing
Total 3000 words

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Your assignment should be MS Word processed (handwritten assign
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