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For the course project, you are expected to develop a marketing proposal for a n

For the course project, you are expected to develop a marketing proposal for a new, or an existing product or service, to be marketed in a new country. You must do the project in groups of four members.
The proposal will apply the lessons learned in this course and seek to demonstrate the profit potential of the new product/service opportunity and the problems that need to be overcome in order to achieve success.
The proposal should address the following issues:*
1) Market potential for your product in the national market you are proposing to enter together with a sales forecast for the first 5 years.
2) Product/service sourcing (if applicable).
3) Competition (Five Forces)
4) Barriers to entry.
5) Political/trade/cultural environment, favorable attributes of the country for the product/business.
6) Problems anticipated after entry.
7) Structural challenges (i.e. institutional voids).
* The structure of your proposal does not have to follow the issues highlighted above. In other words, you don’t need separate sections for each topic. Instead, you need to organize your report in a way that reads well and addresses the 7 issues mentioned above.
For each issue, please provide evidence based on research and/or your own experience. Any arguments should be substantiated using lessons learned in the course and/or research. Please use appropriate referencing when using external resources.
You can use the Five Forces model to analyze competition in the industry. Also, you may want to use the “Institutional Voids Framework” that is provided in the “Spotting Institutional Voids” sidebar (please see the sidebar at https://hbr.org/2005/06/strategies-that-fit-emerging-markets (Links to an external site.)).
The written report should not exceed 16 pages of double-spaced typescript, excluding tables, charts, and references.

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