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cool mist humidifier

Select one of the following products for this assignment for the fictional company Proserve Corp.

-A new cool mist humidifier that reduces dry air and also serves as an air freshener. Presently, the scents come in mint, apple, spice, and cinnamon.

-A new toothbrush that dispenses toothpaste automatically onto the toothbrush with a small button on the handle. The toothpaste comes in a variety of flavors, including cinnamon, peppermint, spearmint, and bubble gum.

-A new wireless headphone and microphone that fit in the palm of your hand and have superior output and volume.

-A new foldable chair that can be carried in one hand, weighs 1.5 lbs. and holds up to 300 lbs.

-A new transcription tool with 98% accuracy.

Step 2: Apply product elements to make this product complete by responding to the following:

Describe the type of product you selected and include product attributes: quality, features, benefits, style, and design.

Provide a proposed product line (depth) and product mix (the 4 P’s; width) for your good. See Exhibit 10.1 in the text.

Describe the elements of the product’s branding (i.e., brand name, sponsor, and brand strategy).

Provide a packaging plan and any warranty or copyright involved if applicable

Step 3: Place (or distribution)

Discuss three different distribution models available for getting the product from the producer to the consumer.

Using scholarly research, explain the advantages and disadvantages of using intermediaries. Provide 2–3 direct quotes and/or paraphrases from your research, incorporating them into your paper where appropriate in support of your contentions using APA 7th edition in-text citation style. Make sure to add an additional reference page that includes a reference for each article you cited in current APA format.

Considering factors like your brand and target audience, explain what type of retailers would be the best match for your new product and why.

Provide at least one distribution model that would be most effective for the Proservice’s new product. Explain why it would be most effective.

Access the Assignment grading rubric located in the Course Resources area.

Provide an original minimum 3-page paper or a minimum of 700 words


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