Assessment code:
Academic Year: 2019/20
Semester: 2
Module Title: Business Strategy
Module Code: MOD003337
Level: 6
Module Leader: John Threlfall
Weighting: 50%
Word Limit: 3000 words, excluding appendices
Assessed Learning
Outcome: 1,2,3,5
Submission The assignment must be received by now later than
14.00 on Wednesday 29th April 2020
Completing the Business Strategy Game (BSG) is a pre-requisite for
undertaking the Business Strategy Reflective Report
The Assessment is an individual reflective strategy report that assesses the
progression and outcome of the Business Strategy Game
This assignment is an individual activity
Please submit your assignment through Turnitin.
Complete the ARU Assignment Cover Sheet. and obtain a Turnitin Assignment
Work uploaded on Turnitin after the stated date and time will not receive a mark
unless an extension has been approved in advance of the deadline.
Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness
or other cause considered valid by the Student Adviser. These must normally
be received and agreed by Student Adviser in writing at least twenty four hours
prior to the deadline.
Any attachments must be marked with your SID number(s) and attached to your
assignment before submission.
Please refer to the Academic Regulations or the Student Handbook for full
Produce an individual 3,000 word Reflective Business Strategy Report (RBSR) in
which you:
Identify and evaluate the group decisions made in playing the Business
Strategy Simulation Game
Evaluate both the how and why of the decision-making process
The RBSR is not simply a diary, nor a description of events
Use Harvard referencing
Include an appendix and bibliography
Submission of the Reflective Business Strategy Report assignment must be
submitted via Turnitin
Identify and evaluate the major strategic decisions made during the BSG
simulation. 50 marks
Apply and evaluate a range of supporting strategy and management models,
concepts and ideas that assisted your thinking in developing a competitive
50 marks
Total 100 marks
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