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Business Statistics

Unit Code and Name MA508 Business Statistics Assessment Type Written Assignment Assessment Title Individual Assignment Purpose of the assessment a. Communicate effectively and appropriately in a range of contexts to achieve a high order of speaking, listening, reading, writing, numeracy and communication skills. c. Engage in self-directed thinking and learning that results continuous learning, resilience, confidence, the acquisition of transferable and time management skills and an ability to learn independently. e. Apply knowledge of related statistical techniques as related to business problems. Weight 20% Total Marks 40 Marks (this will be scaled down to 20%) Word limit 800 -1000 words excluding list of references Due Date Friday in Week 6 by 5.00 PM Submission Guideline Submit your assignment online via Moodie submission link. For Melbourne students: use Melbourne Campus Submission link. For Sydney students: use Sydney Campus Submissions link. Submit your file in MS word format only and do not submit zip files. Late Submission There is a 10% penalty for each day you submit the assignment late. For further information, please refer to the late assignment penalty details and special consideration procedure on unit description. Referencing You must provide both in-text citation and a list of reference on your word file. You must follow APA referencing style. Please refer plagiarism policy for further details. Assignment Requirement • You are required to produce an essay on “The future of trade” report by The Future Inc. • The report is available on GA508/MA508 Moodie shell in the folder named “Articles for the Individual Assignment”
Prepared by Dr. Ken Mardaneh, MA508 Unit Coordinator
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