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Assignment Content Your assignment is to analyze the case study in your eBook, A

Assignment Content
Your assignment is to analyze the case study in your eBook, Airbnb 2018, and write an analysis report of a minimum of 7 pages according to the analysis outline provided for this course.
Please review the outline in Appendix 1 in your syllabus:
Brief history of the company
Information about the industry
Company mission (stated or implied)
Company objectives (stated and implied)
Main Body of the Paper
Summarize company’s competitive strategies
Complete analysis of external environment [industry], and internal resources/capabilities using appropriate tools such as Five Forces, PESTEL, SWOT, Value Chain, etc.
Analyze financial data using ratio analysis. Additional sources for company’s financial information can come from annual reports, Yahoo Finance, etc.)
Statement of Problems and/or Purpose of analysis (Specify the salient problem, and explain why selected.)
Identification of strategic alternatives available (a minimum of three mutually exclusive alternatives: explain logic and feasibility, and give advantages and disadvantages at the corporate and SBU level).
Recommended strategic alternative (include support)
Implementation plan (activity plan) recommended for the company (including challenges and issues).
Evaluation and control plan
Short Summary
Reference section
Support materials for the company or the industry if needed. (Research documentation)
*****Assignments are due by Wednesday, May 18, at 11 PM. Late work will be significantly penalized*****
There are a few ground rules you must adhere to:
The report must be written in APA format. Sources are:
American Psychological Association. (2010). Concise Rules of APA Style. 7th ed. Washington, DC: Author. ISBN: 9781433805608
Report must include supporting references, in-text citations, a proper cover page, at least seven FULL pages of content, and one properly written reference page.
Your assignment must include at least five scholarly references. Google Scholar, is a good place to start; Wikipedia or the dictionary is NOT a scholarly reference
Report must be written in Times New Roman, 12 font, and double-spaced throughout.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Assignment Grading Rubrics
Quality of work 0 – 50 pts
Subject terminology
Research 0 – 25 pts
Use of scholarly articles to support your views
APA Formatting 0 – 25 pts
Title page
Running head
Abstract page
Main body
In-text citations
Properly written reference page
Total 100 pts

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