• NRSG374
• Assessment
Task 2
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Overview, FAQ’s and Helpful
NRSG374 AT2 Written Critique – FAQ
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This is a critique and should be constructed in an essay format:
Introduction, Body and Conclusion
What is the
What is the
Word Limit?
1800 Words
APA7th inclusive of intext citations, reference list and formatting,
review all APA7th questions on the ACU library and ACU academic
skills sites to answer all questions
standards do we
When referencing the case study or CPG, ACU is the author, follow all other
APA7th conventions please
Review the reference list in the “green interactive booklet” for the case study of
AT2, all ACU references that have been provided are within this reference list
How do we
reference the
provided to us
from ACU?
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NRSG374 AT2 Written Critique – FAQ
Please review the Extended Unit Outline for all submission details
regarding date and time
What is the due
Read the case study (more than once)
Select ONE CPG from the those provided on the assessment tile
Revise the NPCS, NMBA and NQHSS highlighting those that reflect each
other and support the points that you would like to address in your critique
I don’t know how
to begin this
It is important to write a critique and not “describe or explain” the case study.
Referring to is important, however we do not want a description, we are
looking for a critical analysis of the care provided, including positives and
Will I need to
refer to the case
study a lot in the
NO. You are not critiquing the CPG; you are using the CPG to critique the
care provided in the case study. You may find some of the aspects of the case
study are lacking, if you discuss this, please support with peer reviewed
literature that is evidence based, and not just opinion.
Do we provide a
critique of the
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NRSG374 AT2 Written Critique – FAQ
A solid critique discusses positive and negative aspects of care, as an RN you need to
possess this skill and support it with EBP, providing any improvements to the care must be
supported with literature. The rubric supports a critique of negative aspects at a minimum
Do we need to
critique negative
and positives
episodes of
Please review the rubric to assist and guide you, read it carefully
In order to achieve a HD you need to refer to the NPCS and at least one of the NSQHSS
and NMBA using a palliative approach, demonstrating excellent knowledge of how these
align with your critique of the episodes of care that you are highlighting in your essay
Do we need to use
all the NPCS, NMBA
throughout the
An episode of care is any time that care was provided. This could be an assessment, a
nursing intervention, a referral to another service, or even an omission of care
What is meant
by the term
“episode of
Yes, being specific will demonstrate a strong understanding of application of
the standards, for example, refer to NMBA standard 4.3 and not just standard
4, this will demonstrate greater knowledge and understanding, along with a
solid application of the standards to clinical practice
Do we need to
be specific when
referring to the
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NRSG374 AT2 Written Critique – FAQ
Minimum of 7 appropriate references to achieve a P in this criterion
Minimum 8-10 appropriate references to achieve a Credit in this criterion
Minimum 11-14 appropriate references to achieve a D in this criterion
Minimum 15 – 18 appropriate references to achieve a HD in this criterion
How many
references do I
need in my
reference list?
In order to provide an in-depth critique of the care provided include 4-6
episodes of care, once again refer to the rubric for more understanding on
what the expectation is
How many
episodes of
care do we
need to
Yes. Although Tyler was cognitively intact until the time of death and the ACD
was not evoked, he was communicating his wishes in interactions with health
professionals. He was essentially communicating the wishes in the ACD, that
he had carefully documented previously
Can the ACD be
used to support
arguments despite
Tyler being
cognitively intact?
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NRSG374 AT2 Written Critique : Helpful Hints
• Do not give an extensive description of the case study in your critique, this is not a descriptive
• Descriptive work describes a situation or episode of care focusing on the how, what, when and
• Critical Work or in other words a critiqueprovides a detailed analysis and assessment of a
situation or episode(s) of care focusing on the why, supported with evidence based practice
(EBP) it is not a description of events with personal opinions
• All markers know the case study, therefore there is no need to re-write is in your own words, this is
a poor use of the word count
• Be clear, direct and to the point when identifying episodes of care
• Support all of your work with evidence either from literature, NPCS, NMBA and/or NSQHSS
• Refrain from using your personal opinion, this is not a critique, please use EBP to support the
critique you are presenting
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NRSG374 AT2 Written Critique : Helpful Hints
• Writing Conventions and Mechanics – Please use Australian/British English and NOT America
English when spelling and writing, it is best to set your spell check to Australian or British and not
American English for all academic writing, these will be considered spelling errors
TO SUBMITTING YOUR WORK https://leo.acu.edu.au/course/view.php?id=39073
• Please do not submit extension or special consideration requests to dropboxes on other campuses
that you are not enrolled at
• Please contact your Campus LIC regarding extension and special consideration requests in the first
instance, review the policy and procedures on requesting an extension and special consideration
Negatives and/or omissions of care discussed in Q&A
sessions with NRSG374 Students Nationally
• Upon diagnosis, family meeting not conducted including all stakeholders
• Documentation was not always completed, was not detailed, in the
critique we needed to assume that the care had not been provided
• Not enough discussion about Tyler’s Will and legally binding issues –
was there a Will?
• Advanced Care Directive should it have been enacted ??
• Limited social support
• Pain assessment completed however not formally with appropriate tools
reference PCOC
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Student Discussions
• Process of dying was not mentioned, it was not discussed as per the
• Wife was in denial and struggling, little to no interventions to support her
• Grief support and bereavement was not mentioned in the case study
• Not having children involved leads to complex grief well supported in the
• ACD stated that Tyler wanted his entire family with him
• Did not want to die in the family home wanted to be in a hospice – this
was not actioned, IS this the responsibility of the RN and health care
team to support and guide the family with this process? Support with
standards and EBP
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Negatives and/or omissions of care discussed in Q&A
sessions with NRSG374 Students Nationally
Student Discussions
• Wed March 24th – Wheeze observed however inappropriate actions
were taken and little documentation about assessment and care
• Deterioration should have been assessed and realised earlier could
have assist Tyler to achieve his ACD needs and wants
• MO stated that he was in an unstable stage and this is listed in the
nursing notes however nothing done, they new his wishes, follow-up
was poor
• Nursing staff did not advocate for Tyler’s wishes
• Referrals in to support family, perhaps these were too late
Student Discussions
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Negatives and/or omissions of care discussed in Q&A
sessions with NRSG374 Students Nationally
Palliative Care Themes
• Lack of communication
• Poor assessments and documentation
• Pain management
• Time management
• Social care
• Counselling provided was it appropriate; consider grief and bereavement
• Symptom management – assessments
• Autonomy?
• Were interventions appropriate ? Dysphagia for a long time was it addressed
early enough was there something else that could have been instigated to
improve Tyler’s quality of life?
Student Discussions
11 | Directorate | Office | Faculty | School