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Assessment 4 Details Assessment 4 Essay Due date Friday 3/6/22 5pm (Week 10) Wei

Assessment 4 Details
Assessment 4 Essay
Due date Friday 3/6/22 5pm (Week 10)
Weighting 40%
Your assignment will be submitted into a Turnitin submission box within the
SNUG202 Moodle site. You will have the opportunity to review and re-submit your
assignment up to the due date and time.
To learn more about how to use Turnitin please access the resources at the following
link: http://www.uow.edu.au/dvca/ltc/tel/resourcehub/students/index.html
Type of Collaboration Individual
Length 1500 words
Students are required to write a 1500-word essay in response to the following
“Evidence-based practice can save time, as it has the potential to stop nurses
engaging in activities that have no known benefit to patients.”
Style and format
APA 7 referencing system
A summary of the APA 7 can be accessed on the library website at
Subject Learning
2. Demonstrate competence in information retrieval, critical reading, research
appreciation and evidence critiquing skills.
4. Present logical arguments to others verbally and in writing.
Marking Criteria See Rubric pages 9-10
Additional Guidelines:
Essay Topic:
When addressing the above statement, you should consider:
1. What is evidence-based practice (EBP)?
2. What percentage of persons receive care that is evidence-based and hence, what percentage of persons
receive care that is not evidence-based?
3. What are the advantages of EBP for the nurse?
4. Why would EBP save time, for example – prior studies indicate that some dressings are better left in place
rather than being dressed daily.
5. Why would EBP impact negatively on the nurse’s time? Provide examples.
Once you have considered all of the above you will formulate an argument to either support or refute the statement –
“Evidence-based practice can save time, as it has the potential to stop nurses engaging in activities that have no
known benefit to patients.”

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Assessment 4 Essay
Due date Friday 3/6/22 5pm (Week 10)
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