3. Please write introduction (150 words) and conclusion (150 words) for this whole assignment. There are 3 parts in this assignment.
1. Using the Gibb’s Reflective Cycle please write reflection and reflection should be related to nursing leadership. You can use the example I given below or you can use the same for reflection and complete the rest of the part
For example- Description
During my acute placements, I got an excellent
opportunity to work with the different registered nurses as a nursing student.
One day, I was on my placement and doing the afternoon shift. The shift started
with the handover from morning staff. Then, the nurse-in charge assigned me
with one of the senior staff as my mentor. My mentor assigned me four patients
and told me to check the vitals and blood glucose level (BGL)for those patients.
I checked the vitals and BGL and it was within normal range. After some time, I
saw that the other patient was struggling to get a cup of water from table.
When I went to his room, I found that he was sweating and shaking and
complaining of headache and blurred vision. As the patient was diabetic, so I quickly
checked his BGL and noticed that it was too low (2.0mmol/l), Patient is
hypoglycaemic. I quickly did the MET call, the nurse team arrived, and I told them
about the situation. The senior nurse handed over the situation and responded
appropriately and everyone worked in a systematic order and checked the BGL and
medication chart and give the insulin to the patient. She told me to give some
jellies and orange juice to the patient. Finally, after 15 minutes the patient’s
BGL was normal.
2. ·
Critically discuss your behaviour/performance as it
relates to the theoretical concepts of nursing leadership.
3. ·
Critically analyse what you learned from this experience
and describe how you will apply this learning in your future practice as a
Registered Nurse?
Please read the instructions carefully and do not exceed the words more than 1500. Use 300 words for introduction and conclusion And rest of 1200 words for otherf 3 parts. njhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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