1. Install
the COVID-19 data package in R: `install.Packages(“COVID19”)`
Documentation is here: https://covid19datahub.io/articles/r.html
2. Read the FT article on [“Covid-19 vaccine
tracker: the global race to vaccinate.”](https://ig.ft.com/coronavirus-vaccine-tracker/?areas=gbr&areas=isr&areas=usa&areas=eue&areas=are&areas=chn&areas=chl&cumulative=1&doses=total&populationAdjusted=1)
3. *Programming*:
Visualize how the vaccination rate varies at the subnational level (state or even lower) in a particular
country of your choice.
4. *Information*: Explain what kind of statistical
elements are included in your plot(s).
5. *Communication*: Describe what kind of narrative
your visualization conveys to which segment of your target audience (define
this too) and why you expect it would work.
The post 1. Install
the COVID-19 data package in R: `install.Packages(“COVID19”)`
Documen appeared first on Solved Students Assignments.